Mobilize Your Rib Cage and Breathing Fully

Have you ever noticed the breathing patterns of someone you are in bed with? You can tell when that person (or dog) falls asleep because their breathing changes. Suddenly, their breath becomes fuller, there is increased mobility in their ribs, and their breath is much more rhythmic. This full, rhythmic breathing is one main reason […]
My Yoga Career – The Runner’s Yoga Book

I thought I would take this opportunity to explain a bit about my yoga career. I became one of the first nationally recognized yoga teachers because I wrote a book. The funny thing is that writing a book wasn’t part of my plan. Instead, in an odd twist of fate, it came to me out […]
You Gotta Stop Locking Your Knees

Knees. The importance of healthy knees can’t be overstated. Each of us wants to be able to walk until our dying days. It’s our birthright…it’s expected. The photo above illustrates healthy legs. Observe the weight-bearing leg, the left. The center of the knee aligns directly over the center of the foot. The muscles of the […]