One Quick Solution to Back Pain
You would think, wouldn’t you, that something as simple as leaning against a wall couldn’t be screwed up? But once again, a few photos tell the story. The last time Mike and I were in Portugal, in 2014, I saw these two gentlemen at a local cafe. I was thrilled. When I was in Portugal […]
“I Can See Better!”
One of the last people I taught before I moved to San Francisco in July was a woman in her mid- fifties. I taught her a total of five private classes. Sometime during those classes, she mentioned that she had glaucoma. All I know about glaucoma is that it’s serious, that it’s caused by increased […]
What does it take to change?
What does it take for someone to change their habits in order to live in Balance? In my experience, it’s a changed circumstance, usually pain. But pain isn’t always the reason someone finds their way into Balance. Recently I heard from a man who is recovering from cochlear implant surgery. He wrote: “Saw your blog […]
Save Your Organs

Save Your Organs If you’re like me, the photo above makes you wince because you know exactly how sore her neck, back and shoulders are going to be. Who hasn’t found themselves collapsed over some electronic device, or while working on an art project, or watching TV, and then felt the effects? Take a second […]
Being a Poser Doesn’t Work

Posers. Personally, when I was in junior high and high school, I was continually changing my idea of how I should look and what poses and postures I should display. I wanted to be appealing and be liked but how to achieve that popularity was a moving target. In those days, I truly thought I […]
Gravity Is the Healer

This photo, from the March 2022 Rotary magazine, tells the story of Balance*. Two men carry similar loads of hand sanitizers in Bangladesh. One man looks burdened, and the other looks carefree. The man in the foreground is out of Balance. He curves forward. His load pushes him downward. Pressure from his misaligned spine and […]
Centering Is Essential for Fitness

The photo below of me was taken in Pune, India, when I was studying yoga with renowned master BKS Iyengar in 1979. At that time, while I knew I wanted to improve my posture, I had no idea that my pelvis was forward and that I had unconsciously acquired “modern posture.” I knew my upper […]
A Cultural Blind Spot

Take a Look, What Do You See? Give the following a try — ask people to describe what they see in the image above. Most people will say something like, “a middle-aged heterosexual couple dressed in outdoorsy clothing standing face to face by the ocean.” That’s okay, as far as it goes. But if you’ve […]