One Quick Solution to Back Pain
You would think, wouldn’t you, that something as simple as leaning against a wall couldn’t be screwed up? But once again, a few photos tell the story. The last time Mike and I were in Portugal, in 2014, I saw these two gentlemen at a local cafe. I was thrilled. When I was in Portugal […]
No Posture Regrets
A student sent this image, part of a thread she saw on social media. She wondered if one of this gentleman’s regrets might be not taking better care of his posture. My guess is that he very likely doesn’t regret not improving his posture, because he doesn’t know he could have changed it. He might […]
A Different Kind of Pain

This is another kind of story about pain. It didn’t hurt me physically but mentally it sent me over the moon. As you recall last week I recounted the time I fell in Paris and shattered my left humerus. When I finally returned to the USA and got to the surgeon, surgery was scheduled for […]
Why My Back Always Hurts

Who Hasn’t Found Themselves in a Whacked Out Position Like This? You may not even notice how you are sitting. You are lost in conversation, focused on work, watching a movie, or just plain spaced out. Then you notice your neck is killing you or your back is stiff, or you ache everywhere. The problem […]
Rolling for a Healthy Spine

Ouch! I often hear myself responding “ouch” to an exercise image that scares the wits out of me – like this one.. There are two clear problems here: first, lying over a roller like this puts your spine at risk, and second, it makes your spine more curved. You devote time and energy […]
Turn chair pose into child’s play

Chair Pose — Utkatasana “Easy” isn’t a word that most of us associate with chair pose. But take a look at this photo a student sent of her nephew at play. As he prepares to jump, he demonstrates how easy Chair Pose can be. All yoga poses are supposed to be easy. Asana means […]
Protect Your Back from “Going Out”

The most popular class recording. It’s so shocking. When I look at the class recordings that have been sold from the Balance Center website I am surprised. The three biggest sellers have to do with strengthening the buttocks. I thought for sure that the most popular recordings would address pain relief. I assumed people […]
You Can Build a Healthy Spine

Our spine is a bit of a mystery for each of us. We have all “seen” skeletons of the spine, but it’s hard to understand how those bones actually fit inside of us. How big a mystery? I once brought a spine to an interview with on The View from the Bay, a local […]
Wrinkle Know-how for Spinal Alignment

Become involved! If you are interested in feeling good all the days of your life, you have to become involved with your body. You can’t leave this up to anyone else. Others are busy and your well-being is too important to leave to chance. Here’s why. Each of us has acquired unconscious patterns of sitting […]
Give Your Spine a Valentine

Give Your Spine a Valentine Look at these long straight spines from days past! None of the people in these sweet embraces bend at their waist to reach across the table. Instead, their spines are straight and extended, so their bones remain stacked and spacious. With spines like these, it’s a good bet that none […]