One Quick Solution to Back Pain
You would think, wouldn’t you, that something as simple as leaning against a wall couldn’t be screwed up? But once again, a few photos tell the story. The last time Mike and I were in Portugal, in 2014, I saw these two gentlemen at a local cafe. I was thrilled. When I was in Portugal […]
Being a Poser Doesn’t Work

Posers. Personally, when I was in junior high and high school, I was continually changing my idea of how I should look and what poses and postures I should display. I wanted to be appealing and be liked but how to achieve that popularity was a moving target. In those days, I truly thought I […]
Centering Is Essential for Fitness

The photo below of me was taken in Pune, India, when I was studying yoga with renowned master BKS Iyengar in 1979. At that time, while I knew I wanted to improve my posture, I had no idea that my pelvis was forward and that I had unconsciously acquired “modern posture.” I knew my upper […]
Wrinkle Know-how for Spinal Alignment

Become involved! If you are interested in feeling good all the days of your life, you have to become involved with your body. You can’t leave this up to anyone else. Others are busy and your well-being is too important to leave to chance. Here’s why. Each of us has acquired unconscious patterns of sitting […]
You Gotta Stop Locking Your Knees

Knees. The importance of healthy knees can’t be overstated. Each of us wants to be able to walk until our dying days. It’s our birthright…it’s expected. The photo above illustrates healthy legs. Observe the weight-bearing leg, the left. The center of the knee aligns directly over the center of the foot. The muscles of the […]