How to Survive Flying Coach
How do I survive flying coach? A student recently asked me that question – one that applies to all of us. Every year it seems that seats in coach get narrower and have less leg room. And airplanes are almost always full. The solution comes in two parts, one a piece of postural know how, […]
Weightless at Any Weight

Weightless at Any Weight Just the mention of weight makes most of us ashamed in some way or another. No one can quite get it right, or so it seems. Our culture doesn’t tolerate those who weigh “too much” by its standards, but weighing too little isn’t acceptable either. But there’s another way to look […]
Balance In the USA

Recently, I have been stunned to see examples of people in Balance in my world. For a long time that didn’t seem possible. Aplomb/Balance grew out of empirical research into the movement patterns of people who carry weight on their head — which ruled out most of the Western world. People in Balance tended […]
Dead Butt Syndrome
Now we have “Dead Butt Syndrome.” The New York Times announced a new health concern earlier this week, called “gluteal amnesia,” or less formally, “Dead Butt Syndrome” NY Times September 6th article described as a numb feeling in your gluteal muscles caused by extended periods of sitting. As the article points out, when one of […]
No More Trips

I keep getting older. Thank goodness for that. However, I have noticed that I am now more likely to trip. The surprising thing is that I can trip on flat surfaces: walking through airports, crossing the street, walking down a corridor. Not only is this embarrassing, but as everyone knows, it’s extremely dangerous. Anything can […]
We Need to Make Balanced Posture Cool Again!
We need to make it cool that people of all ages sit and stand upright, in Balance. A museum’s security guard took this image. Many topics can spin off of this photo. Our concern is postural, the deterioration of the alignment of the human skeleton. From studying young children, our ancestors, and native populations around […]
One Quick Solution to Back Pain
You would think, wouldn’t you, that something as simple as leaning against a wall couldn’t be screwed up? But once again, a few photos tell the story. The last time Mike and I were in Portugal, in 2014, I saw these two gentlemen at a local cafe. I was thrilled. When I was in Portugal […]
No Posture Regrets
A student sent this image, part of a thread she saw on social media. She wondered if one of this gentleman’s regrets might be not taking better care of his posture. My guess is that he very likely doesn’t regret not improving his posture, because he doesn’t know he could have changed it. He might […]
Save Your Organs

Save Your Organs If you’re like me, the photo above makes you wince because you know exactly how sore her neck, back and shoulders are going to be. Who hasn’t found themselves collapsed over some electronic device, or while working on an art project, or watching TV, and then felt the effects? Take a second […]
The Secret About Sciatica
The Mayo Clinic Health Letter (Vol 40 No 11), November 2022, concludes that the cause of sciatica is too much sitting: “Our spines weren’t designed for us to be sitting for hours at a time.” (It’s a paid subscription so I can’t provide a link.) Upon reading this I hear myself shout, “It’s not sitting, […]