Avoid Falling At All Costs

Just looking at this image terrifies me. I have fallen and it did not have a happy ending. Mike and I were in Paris in the late fall (that word!) of 2018. We arrived mid-day and to enjoy the beauties of Paris we took a walk through the Luxembourg Gardens. At dusk, we walked toward […]
Bring Walking Awareness to Vacuuming

A friend from long ago, Dr.David Shlim, wrote a memoir about his remarkable life. It’s titled A Gentle Rain of Compassion. For 16 years he served as the Medical Director for a Travel Medical Center in Kathmandu, Nepal. He has had so many other accomplishments and adventures you might want to read the book yourself. […]
Hit Your Stride

Okay, here’s an education for you. Take a guess, which of the women in the image above has better posture? If you live in an industrial culture, like the US, my bet is that you would vote for the woman on the right. After all, she’s looking forward and her head is well back over […]
What Powers YOUR Walk?

In the photo below you can see what powers your “walk.” Looks pretty straightforward if you had 8 legs motorized by a machine. For you and me though it’s a different story. In a continuation of our exploration of the gluteal muscles, this week’s Wednesday 5:30 pm and Friday’s noon classes will focus on how […]
You Gotta Stop Locking Your Knees

Knees. The importance of healthy knees can’t be overstated. Each of us wants to be able to walk until our dying days. It’s our birthright…it’s expected. The photo above illustrates healthy legs. Observe the weight-bearing leg, the left. The center of the knee aligns directly over the center of the foot. The muscles of the […]