Rolling for a Healthy Spine

Ouch! I often hear myself responding “ouch” to an exercise image that scares the wits out of me – like this one.. There are two clear problems here: first, lying over a roller like this puts your spine at risk, and second, it makes your spine more curved. You devote time and energy […]
Turn chair pose into child’s play

Chair Pose — Utkatasana “Easy” isn’t a word that most of us associate with chair pose. But take a look at this photo a student sent of her nephew at play. As he prepares to jump, he demonstrates how easy Chair Pose can be. All yoga poses are supposed to be easy. Asana means […]
My Yoga Career – The Runner’s Yoga Book

I thought I would take this opportunity to explain a bit about my yoga career. I became one of the first nationally recognized yoga teachers because I wrote a book. The funny thing is that writing a book wasn’t part of my plan. Instead, in an odd twist of fate, it came to me out […]