Gravity Is the Healer

This photo, from the March 2022 Rotary magazine, tells the story of Balance*. Two men carry similar loads of hand sanitizers in Bangladesh. One man looks burdened, and the other looks carefree. The man in the foreground is out of Balance. He curves forward. His load pushes him downward. Pressure from his misaligned spine and […]
Rolling for a Healthy Spine

Ouch! I often hear myself responding “ouch” to an exercise image that scares the wits out of me – like this one.. There are two clear problems here: first, lying over a roller like this puts your spine at risk, and second, it makes your spine more curved. You devote time and energy […]
Does Your Spine Buckle When Lying on Your Back?

Comfort in bed contributes to a good night’s rest. Are you comfortable when you lie on your back? Or do you feel tension caused by increased curves in your neck and/or your lower back? “Buckling” is one word for excessive curves in your back. Painful is another. To buckle something is to distort it, […]
Reclaim Shorter Arched Feet

You Can Reclaim Healthy Feet In any contest for the least-appreciated body part, our feet would be winners. That is, of course, until something goes wrong. Then our feet get our full attention. As my husband says frequently, walking is the one activity we want to be able to do all the days of our […]
A Cultural Blind Spot

Take a Look, What Do You See? Give the following a try — ask people to describe what they see in the image above. Most people will say something like, “a middle-aged heterosexual couple dressed in outdoorsy clothing standing face to face by the ocean.” That’s okay, as far as it goes. But if you’ve […]
Buttock Power for Walking

Naturally Strong When I was in India in 2006 there were many times when I would see people so naturally strong, so physically well, that it would take my breath away. The delivery person in the photo above was one of them. Even in the photo, it’s easy to see that he is moving quickly, […]
The Best Insurance – At Any Age

Oh, dear! I know a little about this guy. Because our rental car wasn’t available, my husband and I had to spend an unscheduled night in Des Moines, IA. The inn we stayed at had stopped serving food because of Covid, so we walked to the nearby convention center for breakfast. To our surprise, we […]