Buttock Power for Walking

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Naturally Strong

When I was in India in 2006 there were many times when I would see people so naturally strong, so physically well, that it would take my breath away. The delivery person in the photo above was one of them. Even in the photo, it’s easy to see that he is moving quickly, but without struggle. Although it’s a heavy load he is not bulky with muscle, rather, he’s well-proportioned and he seems to breeze through the task at hand. These are the characteristics of a person in Balance: his body functions well now and will continue to do so as he ages.

Unnaturally Weak

Check out the person below and imagine what would happen if he carried a heavy load on one shoulder or even in his arms. Because he leans backward, any additional weight on his head or shoulder will compress his already misaligned spine. Because his bones, legs and torso are not on the vertical axis his muscles have to bear the weight. Any task becomes difficult and wears him out. Unless he changes something, his weakness will magnify, and he will continue to age prematurely.


Reclaim Your Buttock Power

The good news is that you don’t have to share his fate.

At any age, you can learn basic Balance guidelines for walking. Once you know what to do, every step you take is a strengthening practice. Instead of feeling heavy and compressed, you’ll feel light. Instead of sinking, your spine will fly upward. You will be able to walk farther and with more ease everywhere you go, whether it’s around the kitchen or hiking up a mountain.

When you walk in Balance, your power comes from your gluteal (buttock) muscles along with your hamstring muscles. But that’s not what most of us feel. Because most people in our culture walk out of Balance, people conclude that walking without the gluteus maximus engaged is natural. Check out this video with anatomy teacher Sam WebsterAt 4:49 – 5:49 minutes, he says the gluteus maximus lifts the body but is not involved with walking. They are when a person is in Balance. When the gluteus maximus are not contracted with each step the butt sags and the muscles weaken. It’s why people spend endless fitness hours contracting muscles that are designed to be strong by walking. It’s why people now purchase underpants with padding to enhance the size and shape of their buttocks.

A Normal Super Woman

When I was in Setubal, Portugal, in 1996, I was frequently inspired by women my age exhibiting Balanced strength as seen in this photo. To them, carrying loads like this was common, to me it was extraordinary. Their Balanced posture gave them super-woman strength. And like the delivery person above, these women had well-proportioned bodies without bulked-up muscles. They exhibited the normal strength we are all meant to have when living in a Balanced body.

For your overall health, you can’t do anything more important than regaining your natural walking patterns. When you do, it will give you a well-shaped rump, relieve all kinds of pains in your pelvis and spine, and add to the natural alignment of your hips, knees, and feet. This all happens by centering your pelvis, the crucial step towards overall alignment and strength.

In class this Wednesday, 5:30 pm PT, and Friday, noon PT, your gluteals will be awakened by learning how to do Camel Pose in Balance, safely. With your buttocks energized we will review the guidelines for standing and, of course, walking. Once your buttock muscles come alive again, they will power all your future walks.

~ Jean Couch






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Jean Couch's Story

I’m devoted to helping my students relieve pain and to have the freedom to live their lives again. For the past 30 years, I’ve taught thousands of students how Balance is the foundation of being healthy.

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